When I was a wee lass, I probably took about 10 field trips (at least) to the Junior Museum (the Tallahassee version of a zoo). It was at this magical place I first saw Florida Panthers, sea otters, black bears, and icky snakes. These days, the Junior Museum is now called the Tallahassee Museum.
Andrew was in town last week and rather than go far, far away, we basically conducted a Tallahassee "stay-cation." Our stay-cation had nothing to do with me being lazy and not wanting to drive for over 2 hours to go anywhere, we just wanted to enjoy the sites around the town :). One of the places we visited was the Tallahassee Museum. Though I have not been to the Tallahassee Museum in 19 or so years, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it and reminisced with Andrew about the fond memories I have of visiting the museum as a child.
We were very fortunate, though it was a bit chilly all but about 2 of the animals were out and about. The no shows were on the alligator and bobcat. However, if memory serves me, that darn bobcat was always hard to see; he was always hiding in the big oak tree or something.
Andrew's favorite was the bald eagle and he (the eagle) was quite a poser. He seemed to want us to take his picture.
The sea otter (my favorite) was so cute! He would poke his head up from out of the water and then swim and swim.
The Florida Panthers were huge! And hungry!
We also went to the Tallahassee Antique Car Museum. I was very impressed with this museum. There are probably over 100 cars there, including 2 bat mobiles; way too many golf clubs; antique cash registers; antique guns; antique boat motors; antique tractors; and many, many other things.
We went to the Tallahassee Challenger Center's Digital Dome. I was not as impressed with the dome. My biggest issue was that it was a bit blurry (I felt like I should have been wearing 3-D glasses or something).
But overall, it was a great Tallahassee stay-cation and had a great time.