I have been contemplating a huge decision for a while now. One that, once I make it, I cannot go back. I had to decide if I was going to purchase a "reel" mower. What is a reel mower you ask, it is one of those mowers that just has the spinning blades; it is neither electric nor gas powered. It runs off the sweat of your brow. Honestly, I really never knew they still existed until a few years ago. I thought they were a '60's thing. But, my friend Melanie bought one and I was intrigued. When I bought my house, I went back and forth (a little "mowing" humor for you *wink*) on whether to get one or not. However, my parents offered me theirs (probably 12 years old at the time...not me...the mower) and I said "YES!" After all, one less thing for me to buy. Well, 5 years later I began to waffle with the decision again. I was going to ask for one for my birthday, but since the one I had was still "working" (it lost its self propulsion ability and so I had to push it up the hill) I decided to get pots and pans instead. I know, you are saying to yourself, "gosh Michelle, you ask for some fabulous gifts for your birthday." If ever you find yourself in a
quandary with what to ask for for a special occasion, ask me and I will help you, for free! Anyway, back to the story.
I went to mow the grass last night and the old mower would not start. The primer pusher thing would not push. I also pulled the starter many, many times, but to no avail. So I gave up. A bit more back story, I also have a weedwacker but the line ran out and well, um, we will not go in to details about that anymore. I decided it was finally time to "go green" and get a reel mower. Either I am environmentally conscious or the reel mower was a novelty I just had to have (you decide). So I went and looked for one at the store and I could not find one. I found your traditional gas powered mowers. So I asked for help. Nope, that is a lie, I am my father's daughter and walked aimlessly around until I found a box that I did not think a mower could fit in; think the size of about 4 shoe boxes. Sure enough, there it was! I actually read the box and it said "no tools needed," which was the go ahead for me to purchase.
I got home, sat out in the 1,000,000,000% humidity outdoors and put this bad boy together. I then tested it out and low and behold it is FABULOUS! I had a big, sweaty (gross, I know) grin on my face but I was mowing with the best of them.
Note to self, now I have to keep the sticks picked up in the yard, or as I like to call it, a one man (woman) game of "pick-up sticks."