Sunday, August 23, 2009

I'm Straight Thugin'

My fool proof plan to read more, and read more educational books has not been 100% effective ( I did finish the Sesame Street book, which was really great. At 31 years old, I have a new appreciation for children's programming and what goes in to the planning and programming of children TV programs. It was pretty inspiring actually (I seem to find lots of things inspiring though!). But anyway, I encourage anyone to read it, it is well written and pretty easy to read.

So anyway, my latest challenge to myself is to read books from this list: I ordered a couple of books from this list from Amazon (what doesn't Amazon have?). The first one I read is Among the Thugs, by Bill Buford. This book was great, but very chilling. The effects of a mob mentality are pretty chilling; this is what the book addresses, the effects of a crowd and what happens to one's mindset when they become part of a mob. Bill Bufurd basically became a british football (soccer) fan and followed fellow football fans (hooligans) around Europe. He interacted with the fans (a bit too much at times), attemping to discover the root of this mob mentality.

Anyway, I would re-read this book in a heartbeat, which is saying a lot because I really do not read books more than once. I think the exceptions have been the Lord of the Rings series and Cold Sassy Tree.

The next read is: Glenn Beck's Common Sense.

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