So I have a few guilty pleasures. I do not know what draws me to these things but if I see these certain things on TV or hear them on the radio or something, I just can't not watch/listen. What brings this up you ask? Well I was watching the Georgia football game on TV and during the commercial I was flipping through the channels and stumbled on TBS and "Save the Last Dance" was on. This is guilty pleasure
numero uno. I have seen this movie so many times, it is sad. It's on TBS probably at least once a month and every time it is on, I seem to find it. It seems to send out a signal in my TV to me saying, "come and find me." And I do. And every time it is on, I watch it. There is nothing in the movie that is particularly appealing to me, but I watch it, always.
My song guilty pleasure of the moment is some Miley Cyrus song. I don't even know the name, but every time I hear it I have to stop the radio and listen to the whole song. It is not a particularly good song, imo, but dang it, I have to listen.
I do not understand why I am drawn to these things, but I guess that is the point of a guilty pleasure.
Peas out.
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