Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Look at this stuff, isn't it neat...

So, I decided to harness my inner 13 year old girl this afternoon and watch "The Little Mermaid" while on the treadmill.  Oh how I love this movie.  What I love even more is the memories I have surrounding the movie.  Just watching it (and singing along to it, of course) takes me back to when my family had a beach house down at Shell Point.  My sister, our friend Mary-Kate, and I would watch this movie, listen to the soundtrack, and sing the songs from the movie continuously.  Almost 20 years later, I guess, I can can still quote the movie and sing the songs (and seriously, what great songs! Le Poisont, le poisont, hee hee hee haw haw haw).  When I was young I used to have pretty long hair, and we would "play" The Little Mermaid in the pool (yes, we had a neighborhood pool at the beach, it totally makes sense) and I would try and jump out of the water and flip my hair back, a la Ariel, and yeah, with thick hair, that is quite a painful, almost neck-breaking, task.  But more than my love of this movie is my love of the memories it stirs in the brain pan.


Peas and carrots!

(I think I am going to start signing my posts, though it is my blog, it seems cool)

1 comment:

T.H. Elliott said...

Signing your own posts? I love it. I might steal that.

Who doesn't like the little Mermaid? I um, had to watch it because of my little sisters. I swear.