Sunday, January 17, 2010

Random Work Silliness

Since one of my new years resolutions is to blog every week, but nothing happened interesting this week (partly due to having tonsillitis since last weekend), I shall post a couple of random stories.

The Vending Machine Story

Over the summer (I think), there was a Friday where was no one was at work (practically). I needed an afternoon pick-me-up and so went to the vending machine to purchase a tasty treat. Well, apparently someone had eaten all of a particular treat. However, rather than replace the treat, the vending machine man wrote a note in the treat row informing us that it was out. Because, you know, it just being empty wouldn't be a big enough clue that nothing was in there. So, of course I showed my co-worker Donna. High-jinks ensued.

1 comment:

The Wimberly Family said...

I realize you posted this well over a year ago, but Justin and I just read it and about died laughing. Thanks for the laugh!