Friday, August 28, 2009

Give me 'more, give me 'more

This week I had to go to Baltimore for work. I have been to Baltimore once, and that was about 3 years ago and it was by the airport (woo-hoo). Though on that trip I ate my first crab cake and it was delicious!

So anyway, this time we stayed in the inner harbor area, and I must say, the inner harbor area is great!

Our first day there, we walked around the harbor and went up to Federal Hill and ate at crabcakes on the harbor.

On Thursday, we went and toured the submarine Torsk and the Constellation.

Then that night we went to an Orioles game at Camden Yards (complete with a free bbq sandwich courtesy of "Boog's BBQ". Apparently Boog is a former baseball player.)

Needless to say, Baltimore's inner harbor is great!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I'm Straight Thugin'

My fool proof plan to read more, and read more educational books has not been 100% effective ( I did finish the Sesame Street book, which was really great. At 31 years old, I have a new appreciation for children's programming and what goes in to the planning and programming of children TV programs. It was pretty inspiring actually (I seem to find lots of things inspiring though!). But anyway, I encourage anyone to read it, it is well written and pretty easy to read.

So anyway, my latest challenge to myself is to read books from this list: I ordered a couple of books from this list from Amazon (what doesn't Amazon have?). The first one I read is Among the Thugs, by Bill Buford. This book was great, but very chilling. The effects of a mob mentality are pretty chilling; this is what the book addresses, the effects of a crowd and what happens to one's mindset when they become part of a mob. Bill Bufurd basically became a british football (soccer) fan and followed fellow football fans (hooligans) around Europe. He interacted with the fans (a bit too much at times), attemping to discover the root of this mob mentality.

Anyway, I would re-read this book in a heartbeat, which is saying a lot because I really do not read books more than once. I think the exceptions have been the Lord of the Rings series and Cold Sassy Tree.

The next read is: Glenn Beck's Common Sense.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Chef Michelle, at your service


Take some pot roast (slow cooked for 8 hours)...

Add some cheesy spinach bake (maybe a little extra cheese)...

And then eat!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I am in love with all things Bollywood. Well, that actually may not be true, but ever since "Slumdog Millionaire," I love Indian entertainment. (caveat: this does not include Indian food; curry is not my BFF)

After watching "Slumdog Millionaire," I youtubed the dance at the end and learned it. Yes I am THAT much of a dork. Here is the video:

Then, I was watching something else on youtube and
came across this!

So I learned the "jai ho" part of that dance as well.
(Do not question whether I have other things that I
should be doing, that is of no concern to you.) I also
went to the onDemand thing and did some of the
"bollywood" exercises.

All that to tell you this, I have now watched the new
Chris Kattan show on IFC and it is great!

I am a fan of Bollywood and want to watch more.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

You are right, it IS tasty

So, most of my friends and family may know, I am not much of a cook. Or, if you are speaking in technical terms, "I cannot cook." Well, I can make some things, but I really am not great. However, I surf the Internet quite often and one of my frequent stops is I usually just read the normal blog and not the cooking or other areas. However, she just created a "tasty kitchen" portion that has both her recipes (I think) as well as other contributors. Well, the past two weeks, I have tried two recipes on the web site:

Let me say, they are amazing! I am very impressed with the ease of cooking (granted, I have made some mistakes, but nothing horrendous). The recipes are delicious.

Go to the web site, try it out. Be full!


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I can stop anytime I want to

Hi, my name is Michelle and I have an addiction. I am addicted to...

Gadja Merah Pictures, Images and Photos

Yes, that is a red elephant. However, my addiction is not to elephants that are red, it is to the restaurant called, "The Red Elephant Pizza and Grill." (

You should go and try it; however, here is a warning, once you go, you will go and go and go and go and go.

It is phenomenal!

I keep saying I will mix my food selection up when I am on my way to the Red Elephant, but I always get the pizza. I am crazy and spontaneous like that!


Monday, August 10, 2009

It's time to get "reel"

I have been contemplating a huge decision for a while now. One that, once I make it, I cannot go back. I had to decide if I was going to purchase a "reel" mower. What is a reel mower you ask, it is one of those mowers that just has the spinning blades; it is neither electric nor gas powered. It runs off the sweat of your brow. Honestly, I really never knew they still existed until a few years ago. I thought they were a '60's thing. But, my friend Melanie bought one and I was intrigued. When I bought my house, I went back and forth (a little "mowing" humor for you *wink*) on whether to get one or not. However, my parents offered me theirs (probably 12 years old at the time...not me...the mower) and I said "YES!" After all, one less thing for me to buy. Well, 5 years later I began to waffle with the decision again. I was going to ask for one for my birthday, but since the one I had was still "working" (it lost its self propulsion ability and so I had to push it up the hill) I decided to get pots and pans instead. I know, you are saying to yourself, "gosh Michelle, you ask for some fabulous gifts for your birthday." If ever you find yourself in a quandary with what to ask for for a special occasion, ask me and I will help you, for free! Anyway, back to the story.

I went to mow the grass last night and the old mower would not start. The primer pusher thing would not push. I also pulled the starter many, many times, but to no avail. So I gave up. A bit more back story, I also have a weedwacker but the line ran out and well, um, we will not go in to details about that anymore. I decided it was finally time to "go green" and get a reel mower. Either I am environmentally conscious or the reel mower was a novelty I just had to have (you decide). So I went and looked for one at the store and I could not find one. I found your traditional gas powered mowers. So I asked for help. Nope, that is a lie, I am my father's daughter and walked aimlessly around until I found a box that I did not think a mower could fit in; think the size of about 4 shoe boxes. Sure enough, there it was! I actually read the box and it said "no tools needed," which was the go ahead for me to purchase.

I got home, sat out in the 1,000,000,000% humidity outdoors and put this bad boy together. I then tested it out and low and behold it is FABULOUS! I had a big, sweaty (gross, I know) grin on my face but I was mowing with the best of them.

Note to self, now I have to keep the sticks picked up in the yard, or as I like to call it, a one man (woman) game of "pick-up sticks."