Thursday, August 28, 2008

Well, you learn something new everyday!

Ok, so I was reading something today about the top 10 movie villains and one of them was Cruella de Vil. HOLY COW! I never realized that Devil was in that name. I always got the "cruella" part was girl for cruel, but the De Vil part revelation floored me today!

On an unrelated but equally important note, I am ready for fall. It is super hot out right now. I go outside 4 times in 5 minutes and I am dying of heat! Plus, my A/C is set at 80 so its not exactly a meat locker in my house.

Trying to decide if I am going to watch the Obama speech tonight.

I decided to have breakfast for dinner this evening. Scrambled eggs, grits, and bacon. This reminds me of a story. Dan, Kara, and I decided to make breakfast for dinner one night, and we (I) put the sausage patties on the skillet, and the smoke took over! :) My bad!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Vroom Vroom

After having hand-me-down vacuum cleaners since I moved in to my house, I finally decided I needed to get a new vacuum. I was vacuuming on Sunday and though I love the lines a vacuum cleaner makes (sometimes I make different designs in the carpet, like when I was younger and I used to mow our lawn, when I got to a nice open area I would do different designs. Sometimes it was a box, sometimes it was more of a circle, sometimes it was just straight lines) when I went over the same piece of fuzz from Allie's bed multiple times and it was still there, I deduced that the vacuum just was not sucking. Well, it was sucking. It was sucking at sucking.

Now I have a new one, and its purple! And it works wonderfully! Its sucks awesomely.

Also, I have decided that I like downloading music from rather than iTunes. Amazon's music is DRM free, so I can put it on my ipod but also on another mp3 player.

Monday, August 25, 2008

How I Met Your...Father?

I love the show "How I Met Your Mother." The reasons for this love include the people on the show are around the same age as I am; there are pop culture references I totally get; and I can relate to the lead guy. In case you may not know, the lead guy, Ted, is telling the story to his kids of how he met his wife/their mother through flashbacks. Ultimately, it tells of his trials and ups and downs of what it took to meet his children's mother. I can relate to this. Plus, who would not want a friend like Barney. NPH does a, should I say, legendary job as Barney. He steals the show.

I am ready for the fall season of TV shows.

And I am a fan of french vanilla coffeemate creamer stuff; takes the place of milk and splenda/sugar.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fay's Aftermath

I survived the Tropical Storm! Yay! I got a bit worried a couple of times. The first time, I looked out my back window and noticed the water on my back porch was really high. It seems my lack of sweeping caused the water to back up and not flow off the porch and it was backing up. So I put on my galoshes (not really) and rain slicker (ok, rain coat) and got to shoveling and such. The situation was quickly resolved and I felt better. Then the house down hill from me, the water got super super super close to getting in the house. I talked to the homeowner this morning and thankfully the water didn't get in the house. The water did go over the main road though. Lets see if I can link pictures!

(I need to work on how to upload pictures)

Overall, everything was ok. I learned a couple lessons. One was to keep the back porch clean, and another was to wash my windows!!

On a side note, I bit my lip this morning and OW!!! It hurts!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fay Today!

Tropical Storm Fay is here, finally. At least it is just rain and such. The great thing is, it gives me a wonderful excuse to stay inside and do nothing. Technically I could do some cleaning around the house, but we will see about that. But it has rained alot. I think it started Thursday night and has not stopped yet. When I was on my way home Thursday night about about 9:00 p.m. (duh, you could see Fay's clouds coming. It was almost like a front moving through, and there was this clear line on the horizon of the dark clouds against the evening sky. I should learn to carry a camera with me, it was a pretty cool sight.

Allie hates the rain. You can tell when I open the front door she struggles with her strong desire to go outside and run around versus her desire to stay away from the rain. Its cute actually!

Here's a little video of the water around my house:

Here's another one:

This one was taken just a couple hours later:

One more video:

Friday, August 22, 2008


My English teachers would hate me. I am absolutely in love with the exclamation point. I think if I had to choose the punctuation mark that best describes me, it would for sure be the exclamation point. And I know why; I am a very excitable person. I enjoy surprises and anticipation, and thinking about exciting things. What better way to visually represent the excitement and anticipation than the exclamation point, I ask you. There is no better way!! See, I did that for affect...or is it effect? Oh well, thats something else English teachers can hate me for!

Yes another thing English teachers can scold me on is my non-sequitor'ness. I can spout out some random thoughts and push them all together into one or two sentences, which basically ends up like this, "Oh hi, my hands are dry, did you know mountain dew is neither from the mountains nor is dew'y?" Very random!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

So Say We All

I am officially addicted to "Battlestar Gallactica." I love it. I also love Netflix. I will admit I have, in the past, purchased at least half a dozen tv shows on DVD to watch them all once and then they get shelved (I rationalize this by saying I am helping the economy, and Best Buy, and TV studios). Not a wise investment, imo. Probably the only anomaly to this is I will watch Season 1 of "Alias" as well as various "Firefly" episodes more than once ("Shindig" is probably my favorite episode). However, Netflix is a great answer to the "I want to watch a tv show on DVD but I really don't want to buy it" dilemma. I netflixed all the BSG DVD's and have been watching them since probably the beginning of July. And as quick as Netflix is, its just not quick enough!! In the words of the Willy Wonka girl "I want the world, I want the whole world," but in this instance, the world means the BSG DVDs.

Which brings me back to the point of this post. And what is the point? Absolutely nothing! :) But it is my blog and I can do what I want! Maybe the point of this blog is to say how cute Jamie Bamber is, because he really is.

On an unrelated note, this hurricane/tropical storm Fay deal is killing me. The sinus pressure I feel in my head right now is tantamount to vice grips clamping down on the bridge of my nose while someone attempts to turn them counter clockwise. I need an oil rig to drill into my nose and relieve the pressure. And no, I am not being over dramatic at all, not even a little.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I just can't stand it, I have to try the blogging thing as well.

Last weekend we took a family vacation to Atlanta, GA. It was the first family vacation since approximately 1993, maybe. The odd thing is, probably the last family vacation we took was to Atlanta. Circle of life, it seems. So we drove about 4 1/2 hours to Atlanta to attend my cousin's wedding. And it was a great wedding. John and Jackie are perfect for each other. Jackie is one of those people who is genuinely, whole-heartedly nice, and you can't help but just be drawn to her honest, sincere, gracious personality; one can't help but like her. John is super smart, but so down to earth and normal. They compliment each other greatly.

Anyway, I love weddings. Not so much because of the girl inside of me (well not just inside, as I actually AM a girl), but I love the planning that goes in to it. I love the outcome of weddings, I love when funny things happen (90% of the time involving ring bearers and flower girls), and I love the joy that surrounds weddings. I also love critiquing weddings, I think if there was a wedding critic (similar to a restaurant/food critic) profession, I could be one. I just always enjoy them. My favorite wedding story is random, it is when my friends Dan and Kara got married and the photographer was taking pictures and apparently as they were leaving (after the "I now pronounce you man and wife" part) I waved and they waved and it was caught on camera. I still laugh when I think about that.

However, I am very tired. Because of the traveling, I really did not get a weekend though. And this week has been so super busy at work. Busy is good, but busy is still busy!