Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I am a creature of the internet

So we are preparing for a conference at work and one of the breakout sessions I have been involved in has been regarding Web 2.0 which got me thinking (as well as the the fact that I use Google Chrome as my browser) about my internet usage.  Having a laptop only reinforces this because I don't have to go in the back bedroom to use the computer, I can just sit in the recliner in the living room and play on the internet and watch t.v. while Allie the Dog sits at my feet.

Michelle's daily websites:

1.  Myspace - yeah...I lurk!
2.  Twitter - I love to tweet!
3.  iGoogle - I can see my e-mails, jokes, news, and Digg stories from this page
4.  Facebook - This is moving up on my list and I waste way too much time here lately
5.  PerezHilton - I like celebrity gossip!  :)
6.  MSNBC - I try to stay somewhat up to date on news (ok, I go to the entertainment section alot)
7.  The WoW forums - This one is moving down...what with my lack of playing WoW
8.  My blog! - But I have a lot of links here now that I visit, such as failblog and graphjams and other blogs
9.  The Superficial - more celebrity gossip
10. Lolcats - those crazy cats!
11. ThePioneerWoman 

Other sites that I love
1.  Amazon (who doesn't love it)
2. - this is quickly becoming one of my favorite
3.  Bestbuy - I love electronics and gadgets
4. - for local news
5.  Netflix - gotta keep up with my movies
6.  Youtube - My youtube addiction comes and goes

Things I never got into:
1.  Ebay
2.  Craigslist
3.  Other things that I don't know about yet!  :)

It really is amazing to me that I remember sitting in an 11th grade "libary/media" class where I just hung out in the library and one of our actual assignments was to use the internet to write a research paper.  This was the first time I ever used the internet, really.  I remember having an AOL e-mail account but none of my friends did so it was pointless.

Ah Web 2.0, I have a love/hate relationship with you!


T.H. Elliott said...

I used to love best buy. But I don't shop there now unless I have to. Everything is cheaper online.

Michelle said...

I will be honest...I am lazy and love instant gratification so I will buy something on line and pick it up in the store...yeah...lazy...thats me.